Dec. 21 marked the first day of winter, and Starkville residents should take extra precautions to keep their homes, vehicles and four-legged friends warm during the cold winter months.
Oktibbeha County Emergency Management Agency Director Kristin Campanella said heating systems are the biggest hazard to homeowners during the colder months.
Campanella said portable heaters should always be unplugged when not in use, and they should always be kept away from walls, furniture and other objects.
“Those portable heaters are the biggest hazard we have each year,” Campanella said.
Ensure that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working, Campanella said, and replace batteries as needed. Chimneys and fireplaces should also be professionally inspected and cleaned.
Campanella said breaking water lines can also pose a threat to homeowners in freezing temperatures. The water pipes can break when they freeze and cause flooding.
“Insulate pipes with insulation or newspapers and plastic and allow faucets to drip slightly during cold weather to avoid freezing,” the Mississippi Emergency Management website said.
Campanella suggested keeping a winter emergency kit consisting of water, a battery operated phone charger, food, blankets and a flashlight in homes and vehicles in case of emergency winter weather.
Oktibbeha County Humane Society Outreach Coordinator Sarah Buckleitner said the biggest threat to pets during the winter is exposure to the elements.
“Providing adequate shelter is the best way to combat this,” Buckleitner said.
Buckleitner said bringing pets indoors during cold weather is the best solution, even if they are in a garage or carport to protect them from cold weather and rain. Another inexpensive option is cat shelters made by lining a large Tupperware container with hay and blankets.
Outdoor cats also seek shelter and warmth inside the hood of vehicles, Buckleitner said, and drivers should bang on the hood or honk their car horn to ensure no cats are inside the motor.
Buckleitner said another holiday hazard to pets is human scrap food during Christmas meals. Many foods can make animals sick, and bones can splinter and become a choking hazard.