The town of Sturgis will host its first Sturgis Car and Motorcycle Cruise In to raise money for the police force and increase safety for the community.
The event will be held at Diane Jackson Memorial Park in Sturgis on Saturday, March 25, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Performers and guests will include Choctaw Cruisers Car Club of Ackerman, who will host the event, the Full Circle Party Band, and competitive cooker Fireman John's BBQ.
"To attend the event is free," event organizer Billy Blankenship said. "The money for this event will come from participants. It costs $20 per vehicle to enter the cruise-in."
All proceeds from the event will go toward buying body cameras for the Sturgis Police Department.
"The body cameras are for the safety and well-being not only of our police, but of the public, as well," Blankenship said. "With times being as they are, today, you can't be safe enough."
Blankenship said the idea was to have an event outside of the annual bike rally that will bring more people to town. The idea for the Cruise In started with a New Year's Eve barbecue. A cookout that was expected to bring 25 to 30 people brought over 100 to Sturgis. That inspired Blankenship to organize more events in the area.
Blankenship said he hopes for at least 25 vehicles to be entered in the event. There will be first, second, and third place for cars and a first place for motorcycles. The choice of the placings will be in the hands of the people. Those who attend will vote for their favorite cars.
Much of the Sturgis community is involved in the organization. Local companies are helping to pay expenses for the event, sponsoring the band and different aspects of the Cruise In.
"We want to bring some life back into our town," Blankenship said. "This is probably one of the first car shows of the year in this area. Everyone is ready to get out, bring their cars and show them off."