Rose Coffey-Graham, Alana Graham and Eileen Carr-Tabb with in front of the awards
display case at Starkville Public Library. (Photo by Briana Rucker, SDN)
Controllers Generation II and III 4-H Club walked away with a plethora of awards at the 2018 Oktibbeha County 4-H Awards program, which are now on display at the Starkville Public Library.
Rose Coffey-Graham, volunteer organization leader of the Controllers Generation II and III 4-H Club, was ecstatic to win the awards and have them on public display.
"I came to look at it, and then I started working on the computer and people started walking in looking at the awards," she said.
As visitors admired the awards, she soaked up their amazement.
"Since it’s been here we've had five new members that contacted us and they joined this past Saturday, just from seeing the display," Graham said.
Their awards included the Distinguished Citizen Award, Rookie of the Year, Spirit of the Year, and the I Dare You Leadership Award, which is the highest award that the club could receive.
In addition, the Controllers Generation II also won the 2018 AT&T Lt. Governor Award and the First Lady Fitness Award.
The First Lady Fitness award will be presented to them in February by Deborah Bryant, wife of Governor Phil Bryant.
The Controllers Generation III will receive the Congressional Award.
"Although the Controllers Generation III just started in March, they're going to get an award in Jackson, which I was really proud of," Graham said. "I started not to submit a book for them but they were working so I did."
The First Lady Fitness Award will grant $500 to help the club and the Congressional Award will grant $200.
The Controllers Generation II team consists of 14 members who conducted several community service projects throughout the year, such as the Heart Health class for the elderly.
During the class, participants were shown how to check blood pressure and blood glucose.
As a result of the educational class, one participant's blood pressure results lowered over time.
The participant's doctor called personally to thank the club for their efforts.
Other service projects that helped the Controllers Generation II to earn the First Lady Fitness Award was Hats Off to Health, and volunteering to help an elderly gentleman to healthy meal plan on a budget.
The Controllers Generation III was established on March 3 and consists of 29 members.
Its main focus is personal development leadership.
"They are hard workers when it comes to fundraisers, bake sales, lemonade stands, basket raffle bingo, and craft sales to name a few," Graham said. "They spend quality time through social events, healthy cookouts, escape rooms, farmer's market, and movie night."
Graham and her 4-H members plan to keep up their hard work.
In the future, Graham plans to partner with Eileen Carr-Tabb, volunteer and health advisor of 4-H, to start a "Healthy Church" initiative.
It will begin in January, with the two ladies training church members to present the information to their church.
"At the end of the year, we'll have a banquet to have everybody come together and whoever does the most within their church will get the Healthy Church award," Graham said.