As part of the proposed changes to Mississippi's criminal court rules, the Mississippi Supreme Court is seeking public comment until Nov. 7 on the changes.
The proposed changes will comprise a uniform set of rules which will govern criminal procedures in Justice, Municipal, County and Circuit Courts. The changes are an attempt to create uniformity from district to district, and from court to court through a set of changes over practice and procedure.
The Supreme Court also asks judges and attorneys to submit comments. Comments must be submitted by writing the court at Supreme Court, P.O. Box 249, Jackson, Mississippi 39205. A copy of the proposed changes is available at
No timetable for adoption has been set by the state's highest court, and has been an 11-year process studying aspects of criminal court rules, from the imitation of criminal charges through post-trial motions.
The changes will impact 34 new rule changes to cover criminal complaints, search and arrest warrants, initial appearances, preliminary hearings, appointment of counsel, bond, grand jury, indictment, arraignment, plea, trial, evidence, sentencing and probation.
For more, see the Nov. 1 edition.